Obstruction in any part of the stomach and intestine in cats is fairly common and can either be partial or complete causing blockage in the flow of nutrients in the stomach and intestine as well as its absorption. This condition is common in cats especially kittens as they tend to be quite more fascinated with anything foreign and tend to take it into their mouth. Foreign bodies that are commonly ingested include bones, clothes, plastics and toys.

Certain cases of FBO were encountered in the clinic from time to time. Take for example a 3 year old male cat who was brought to the clinic due to inappetence, lethargy and vomiting. The owner stated that the cat has the tendency to chew on laces. The symptoms and history presented are indicative of an FBO. Due to obstruction of gastric outflow, anything solid or fluid ingested accumulates in the stomach leading to vomiting and later on due to electrolyte loss dehydration, sluggishness, inappetence, anorexia, diarrhea and weight loss will follow.

In the case presented above, complete blood profiling was done and barium series was performed.

Emergency exploratory laparotomy was performed taking out a piece of lace in the small intestine pulling the intestine into several loops. The cat stayed in the clinic for few more day observation for any possible after surgery complication. He went home after few days active and alert.

Figure 1. A piece of purple lace taken out from the intestine

Figure 2. Surgical removal of FBO (lace) via enterotomy done at APC.

If left unattended and undiagnosed for long time, foreign body obstruction can be potentially fatal.

Figure 3.

The object lodges in any part of the intestine or stomach can cause perforation in the lining leading to leakage and later on infection (peritonitis) and bacterial proliferation and contamination (sepsis) which can lead to death. Early diagnosis and treatment is a very important.

Dr. Mary Grace Pineda